Hello my name is Emma and I'm addicted to ferns.
Is there a proper word for this? There are proper words for other types of addictions. Mine is equally unhealthy, I have over indulged.
Maidenhair, Boston you name it we have it.
They are starting to gather names, like Miranda, Fenella and Percy.
I have taken to wearing ferns in my hair, a sort of homage to Julius Caesar with a few delphinium flowers for a more feminine touch. I think this should be part of my regular wardrobe, sort of a Green Parlour uniform.
Today we have mainly been thinking about cakes, lots and lots of cakes. I have vowed to whip out my whisk and produce something spectacular. Marzipan carrots are sounding like a suitable decoration to a three tiered carrot cake. Over the top doesn't even cover it.
Recipe suggestions are welcome.
Note to self: must buy more hessian.
Instagram #greenparlour