
Pink Rose Valentine's Day Bouquet


Pink Rose Valentine's Day Bouquet 

Our Pink Rose Valentine's Day bouquet can be ordered for delivery across Reading, Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

Your bouquet will contain 12 Premium Pink Roses, carefully and thoughtfully arranged with seasonal foliage  by our independent florist. Our bouquets come beautifully gift-wrapped in paper, tissue, a gift bag and a bubble of water for freshness. 

Delivery and Collection:

Our Pink Rose Valentine's Day bouquet can be ordered for delivery across most RG and OX postcodes, or pick up conveniently at our Bradfield, Reading RG7 6DH florist shop. We deliver within a 12-mile radius of Bradfield. To see if we deliver to your area, please refer to our delivery area list here.

Stay updated on delivery dates through the calendar below. To accommodate your order, kindly provide us with a minimum of 48 hours’ notice.


  • A Dozen Pink Rose bouquet: £70.00
  • 2 Dozen Pink Rose bouquet: £140.00
  • A single Pink Rose £5.50

Please note that the images shown represent previous Red Rose Valentine's Day Bouquets. While specific colours and flower types cannot be guaranteed, we select blooms based on what’s most splendid on the day and to the same or greater value than advertised.


Unlimited stock total


Pink Rose Valentine's Day Bouquet 

Our Pink Rose Valentine's Day bouquet can be ordered for delivery across Reading, Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

Your bouquet will contain 12 Premium Pink Roses, carefully and thoughtfully arranged with seasonal foliage  by our independent florist. Our bouquets come beautifully gift-wrapped in paper, tissue, a gift bag and a bubble of water for freshness. 

Delivery and Collection:

Our Pink Rose Valentine's Day bouquet can be ordered for delivery across most RG and OX postcodes, or pick up conveniently at our Bradfield, Reading RG7 6DH florist shop. We deliver within a 12-mile radius of Bradfield. To see if we deliver to your area, please refer to our delivery area list here.

Stay updated on delivery dates through the calendar below. To accommodate your order, kindly provide us with a minimum of 48 hours’ notice.


  • A Dozen Pink Rose bouquet: £70.00
  • 2 Dozen Pink Rose bouquet: £140.00
  • A single Pink Rose £5.50

Please note that the images shown represent previous Red Rose Valentine's Day Bouquets. While specific colours and flower types cannot be guaranteed, we select blooms based on what’s most splendid on the day and to the same or greater value than advertised.

Additional information


A Dozen Roses, 2 Dozen Roses, Single Rose

We accept the following payment options

Green Parlour Limited, Registered Office 34 Mansfield Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 6AJ. Registered in England Number 927 6769 69

Copyright © Green Parlour Limited 2008 – 2025